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Food Hygiene and Safety

Hygienic Food Handling, to Keep Everyone Safe

Maintaining excellent food handling and hygiene is at the core of what we do here at PickandMix.com.


Boasting over 6 years of combined food handling experience, you can rest assured that your order will be handled and made by trained professionals.


Staff members are required to thoroughly wash their hands with BS EN-grade hand soap whenever they start their shift or return from a break. Not only this, staff members wear medical-grade PPE, including: hair nets, disposable nitrile gloves, aprons and beard nets. Such PPE is replaced when damaged or when the staff member leaves the demarcated food handling area.


All staff members are given comprehensive training in the handling of food and best hygiene practises. Such policies are provided by the official government body, The Food Standards Agency.


The FSA provides a detailed Food Safety Management guide, titled ‘Safer Food for Better Businesses’. This 87-page document has been thoroughly examined and adhered to by our staff. Furthermore, extra measures have been adopted that suit the bespoke working environment of PickandMix.com.


On a daily basis the following is done to ensure hygiene standards are upheld:

  • Checking all staff are fit to work. Any staff member that has come into contact/is showing symptoms of foodborne illness is immediately sent home and will not return to work until at least 48 after symptoms have passed.
  • Food preparation areas are thoroughly checked for cleanliness and tidiness, at the beginning of the day, before any customer’s order is made.
  • The entire premises is checked, from top to bottom, for any evidence of pest activity.
  • Handwashing and cleaning materials are fully stock up at the start of the day.
  • Running hot water is available at all wash basins.
  • Upon opening the day, all tasks from the previous close are checked to see if they are completed.

As part of our closing clean-down all of our staff members must complete the following before the end of their shift:

  • Sweep up rubbish/waste from the floor and dispose in provided bins.
  • Counter tops and work surfaces are to be first cleaned with hot soapy water and then disinfected.
  • All bins are emptied and re-lined, regardless of how empty/full they are.
  • Toilet facilities are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.
  • All areas are hoovered and mopped with BS EN approved cleaning products. Our staff are fully trained in the preparation, use and storage of such chemicals.
  • All equipment such as bowls, scoops and scales are cleaned and disinfected.
Food Safety Approved by Local Authorities
Food Safety Level 2 Certification
PickandMix.com Food Hygiene Rating 5 Very Good

Food Hygiene Documentation

It is important to us that our customers are provided with full transparency of any and all documentation of our accreditations. Not only this, our local council has awarded us with a 5/5 rating in Food Hygiene – you can read more about our report from here: https://ratings.food.gov.uk/business/1630991/pickandmixcom-northwich


PickandMix.com Food Hygiene Rating 5 Very Good
Certificate of Achievement Level 2 Food Safety and Hygiene for Catering

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